An Extremely Fast 24 Years...
Somehow, 31 years of teaching and coaching with 24 of those years in Rose Hill have gone by extremely fast. Way too much has happened to wrap it all up and do it justice in a farewell article posted on A few weeks ago, I posted an article that announced my retirement from teaching. You can read it HERE if you missed it.
For now, I would just like to thank some of the people who have been influential in my life and career thus far. I’ll start with my parents, Jim and Carolyn, and my brother, James. Life was simple and wholesome out in Hoxie, KS (pre-internet) but I wouldn’t change it and I’m grateful for the solid start in life they gave me.
Accounting I and Accounting II instructor Sueanne Hill, Head Football Coach Warren Sager, and Summer Baseball Coach Carl Adams were important to me as a high school student and athlete. In my last semester of college, I had the opportunity to student teach under Tom and Judy Smith in Plainville. Tom was also the head football coach so not only did I learn about teaching business, but I also learned a little football from the coaching side. They all were good role models for what a teaching and coaching career could be and gave me a strong example to follow when I was deciding on a life path.
Over the years, I had the opportunity to teach alongside some respected colleagues in the business department including Lisa Krueger, Sydney Shelman, and Jerry Treat. There are numerous others throughout the building as well, but space is at a premium and I simply cannot list everyone. There have been numerous important support staff, administrators, custodians, and bus drivers that made a positive difference as well. Thank you. I would also like to thank the students. My classes have always been electives. I move on knowing that those of you who chose to take my classes and learn took something away that will serve you well in your future.
Coaching gave me the opportunity to see kids outside the classroom and teach lessons you can’t learn behind a computer screen. It was also something that taught me a lot and I’ve been fortunate to coach with some really good people who happen to also be very good coaches too: Greg Slade, Scott Carr, Ray Boese, Roger Foltz, Chris Diller, Dave Glennemeier, David Penner, and Ryan Hill come to mind just to name a few. We have had some amazing times and some not so amazing moments but through it all, we built stronger young adults with life skills I know they use in their daily lives.
This website requires a lot of help from the coaches, team student managers, parents, boosters, and district patrons for each sport, each season, each year. I would like to thank every parent photographer, scorebook worker, volunteer, and webpage student who made this happen. Yes, I spent hours and hours each week working on, but it would not be what it is without all of you.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife, Rachel, and our two sons, Kole and Gage. I don’t adequately have the words to express how much their support and love and sacrifices of time have meant to me. They frequently have been cheated out of time because I was too busy spending time at practice, watching film, making lesson plans, grading, or working on I have really enjoyed my 31 years of teaching and my 24 years at Rose Hill High School. I will genuinely miss the students and staff of Rose Hill.