Luke Treiber
Gage Wright
Webmaster August 2016 - December 2017
My Dad Made Me Write This...
I became a Webmaster for Rocket Athletics in the Fall of 2016. I hadn’t taken many of the Adobe program classes, but I learned quickly through application how to solve some of the site’s problems. In addition to performing every aspect of the Rocket Athletics’ daily production at one time or another, my main focus was updating the site’s inner workings. I tried to make it more user-friendly and easy to navigate, as well as continuing the sometimes painstaking work of the previous staff to update its layout and function on mobile devices, although most of the credit there should be given to our brilliant and helpful alumni Henry Mann. Additionally, I’d like to thank Mr. Wright for putting nights, weekends, and more into supporting us and getting updates out on time, as well as being an awesome guy and great dad. Since my graduation in December 2017, I have been attending Kansas State University to pursue a degree in Chemistry.
See Ya Rocket Athletics...
After being in the high school for three years, I never saw myself working with any sort of technology, that being any of Mr. Wright’s classes. Sure enough though, towards the end of my junior year I was sent a request to assist in running the Rocket Athletics website. The name “Advanced Web Page Design” may look intimidating, but when you take in consideration getting pizza every now and then, class really isn’t that bad. Although we never got a break from doing something, this class was a breeze. It took just a few days and a couple times to figure out what I was doing but with a great teacher with decades of experience like Mr. Wright, I thoroughly believe that anyone could and should take this class. Aside from this class, my senior year was memorable. Through some heartaches and typical senioritis procrastination, this year couldn’t have been better. Making new great friends is something I won’t forget. Note: if you plan on taking any classes with Mr. Wright or TA for Mr. Carr do not take any senior releases or be in the academy. Always try something new, and take all seven classes your senior year, because sleeping in is a wasted thought and you’ll just stay up later.
Dominic Scott
Aaron Moore
Webmaster August 2017 - May 2018
Henry Mann
Braden Bischler

Webmaster August 2017 - May 2018

Taking The Bait From Mr. Wright
One day at summer weights, Mr. Wright came up to me and asked if I would take a special class called Advanced Web Page Design. I wasn’t sure at first but then he told me more about it. One of the things that he told me was that you have to love sports, and it would be an easy “A”, both of those things sounded good to me because I knew a lot about sports and it was going to be an easy “A”. The first day of class I realized what I had gotten myself into, not just having to know a lot about sports but also a lot about the computer. At the beginning of the year, I didn’t really know much about computer software and had no clue at all what coding was until Mr. Wright introduced conversions, which is the hardest part of this class. All and all we had a great time this year with occasional pizza runs and constant making fun of each other. I would recommend this class to everyone.
Mr. Wright's Lair
I was first lured into this class last year about May 1st. I was told it would be an easy “A” and you get to work on sports. Like every other sports loving fan, I thought this would be fun and easy for me to express my opinion on Rose Hill sports. I would soon learn that it would be a lot more than that. When I first learned about conversions, I thought that they would be easy. It soon became apparent that none of us knew a thing about conversions and that’s when the complaining started. We would complain just enough to waste about 15 minutes when we knew we had conversions. Then Mr. Wright would yell at us for 5 minutes and we would only have 20 minutes of conversions. This would only be the beginning, as we would have plenty of arguments between ourselves. The last time Mr. Wright was gone he sent us a text saying to behave like young adults and not the way we usually do. Even though we argued a lot, complained a lot, and even threatened to quit, I would still say this was one of my favorite classes of the year and I would recommend this class for every sports lover. I will have many great memories from this class and hopefully if other seniors choose to do this class they will too. I promise Mr. Wright doesn’t yell that much. Signing off Owen Kimbell.

Owen Kimbell
Webmaster August 2017 - May 2018